Outil de scoring d'entreprisesThe relevance of a business scoring method depends on three essential criteria:
  • Simplicity and understandability of the tool by the user.
  • Completeness of criteria that cover financial and behavioral aspects.
  • Construction of the score by the user. Indeed, a sophisticated score that falls from the sky has little interest. This is only a note which is ultimately not know how it was built so that it is precisely where the interests of the task.
Automatic scoring which are based on a multitude of criteria are certainly well thought but crowd the most interesting and relevant part for credit analysis.
Prefer simple and manual tools that allow you in a few minutes to learn about the analyzed company. Once intimate knowledge of the business acquired, the score is finally only a confirmation of a clear understanding.
The tool Credit Notation has evolved to be easier (12 criteria instead of 16) and includes penalties for the lowest responses on key criteria.

It captures the formal information (legal and financial) and informal (behavioral, information from the market place ... etc.) which are essential for the establishment of an appropriate score. The criteria are configurable by the user.

The tool Easy Credit Notation based on the same principle but is dedicated to the customers for whom you do not have detailed financial information. It also includes a criterion on the country risk for evaluation of export companies.
Date: 04-14-2015 - Author: Bertrand Mazuir
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