More than 140 tools to manage accounts receivable
Credit Management tools helps businesses to improve cash and to avoid unpaid invoices.

It helps to share credit information between people involved in the credit process (credit manager, CFO...etc.) wihtout struggling with emails.
All information needed is in a simple sheet. Download

The tool is using three kind of criteria:
- General information (company legal form, age of company, payment behavior...etc),
- Profit and loss account information (sales, sales history, EBIT, net result),
- Balance sheet information (equity, working capital, cash...etc.).

It is based on 8 criteria:
- legal,
- age of the company,
- payment behavior,
- financials,
- business stakes...etc.

This tool is a big help for credit analysts to ensure credit limits are coherent with customer financial situation. Download

This tool is the most powerful to set up a credit limit according to business need and financial situation of your buyer. Download

Fill the invoice date and the tool provides the due dates for each payment term present in the tool. Download

It also informs the client that his order will be proceeded once the payment received. Download

This kind of guarantee is often requested by the seller in order to make sure he doesn't lose the advance payment in case of dispute. Download

This kind of guarantee is often requested by the seller in order to make sure he doesn't lose the advance payment in case of dispute. Download

It also informs the client that his order will be proceeded once the payment received. Download

This type of guarantee provides a very good level of security to the seller as far as the issuing bank is reliable. Download

This type of guarantee provides a very good level of security to the seller as far as the issuing bank is reliable. Download

This tool helps to better understand a bank guarantee. Download

Aging balance on Excel based on the list of accounting documents (invoices, credit notes... etc.) of the customers accounts.
The tool automatically formats a dynamic ageing balance for organizing its cash collection.
Updated 2023

Examples of each type of question. Download

Structure of a telephone conversation with formulations examples. Download

Structure of a telephone conversation with formulation examples. Download

Structure of a telephone conversation with formulation examples. Download

This letter is the last reminder before transfering the case to a collection agency for litigation. Download

This letter is the last reminder before transfering the case to a collection agency for litigation. Download

This letter is the last reminder before sending the claim to the credit insurer. Download

This letter is the last reminder before transfering the case to a collection agency for litigation. Download

This letter is the last reminder before sending the claim to the credit insurer. Download

This letter is the last reminder before litigation. Download

Structure of a telephone conversation with formulation examples. Download

It allows to formalize customer commitment. Download

It can be considered as an acknowledgment of debt which can be used in case of later legal action. Download

It allows to formalize customer commitment. Download

This xls tools allows to calculate the amount of late payment penalties in few seconds.
It is possible to do the calcul with invoices not yet paid or with invoices already paid.
It is also possible to include a fix fee per overdue invoice. Download

This tool helps to have a clear understanding of Credit Management performance and evolution in your company. Download

This tools also allows to calculate the average cost of financing of your company. Download

It is a key tool which has to be part of the credit management policy. Download

- What to do before sending a quotation?
- Risk assessment and mitigation
- Internal Chart of Authority
- Cash collection process and dispute management process
- Litigation recovery

WCR is piloted in days of sales for a better performance analysis. Download

- Standard offer (rate below the average funding rate).
- Cash offer (in case your company needs cash).
- Risk offer (in case the customer is insolvent).

This kind of guarantee is often requested by the seller in order to make sure he doesn't lose the advance payment in case of dispute. Download

The guarantee can play only if conditions described in the guarantee are met. Download

It is preferable to provide the buyer with a bank guarantee rather than he retains X% of the payment as a waranty. Download

It is often better to provide the buyer with this bank guarantee rather than he holds 5 or 10% of the payment during X years. Download

This kind of guarantee is often requested by the seller in order to make sure he doesn't lose the advance payment in case of dispute. Download

The guarantee can play only if conditions described in the guarantee are met. Download

This tool is required to evaluate and simulate these risks before signing a contract. Download

Simply fill columns inflows and outflows and the tool calculates the cash of the month and the cumulated cash on a dedicated graph. Download

This kind of bank guarantee provides the buyer with a guarantee of successful execution of the seller. Download

It is preferable to provide the buyer with a bank guarantee rather than he retains X% of the payment as a waranty Download