Being in a "no man's land" between finance, business, and clients is a weird and solitary position to be in. As a result, a credit manager may find himself stuck between not two, but three converging flames while being located in an exposed location, Witness to prior clashes between these parties, whose interests may appear to be disparate at times.
But the credit manager embraces a perilous and committed mission: pacifying and reconciling these various actors in the utmost interest of the company when it comes to antagonists between financial and commercial, and of the commercial relationship when tensions arise between the seller and his customer.

It is for this reason that our customers benefit from an unlimited number of users, in order to facilitate interactions between sales representatives, customer care center, and credit manager / collectors, particularly for dispute resolution, and to encourage the involvement of management functions (CFO, financial controller, sales management, etc.) on these key aspects of the customer financial relationship.
Thus, thanks to interactive emails, customers have one-click access to their portal, where they can find PDFs of their invoices, an Excel-exportable statement of account, payment links to settle their invoices via wire transfer, direct debit, or credit card, and the ability to interact with their collector.

The same principles apply to the functional and ergonomic aspect. My DSO Manager enables customization in automation, an essential condition for success in this job located in the region between trade and finance Where appropriate and high-quality communication, both internal and external is indispensable.
No commitment period, singular priority on customer satisfaction and having no salespeople in our group but only experts in credit management and information technology (IT to quote the popular acronym), all of which characterize our firm.
Managing multi-entities: real-time group consolidation, multi-currency: all currencies and conversion rates being included, multi-languages: nine for the program, dozens for follow-up languages (e-mails, SMS, letters,...) and so many other features has made My DSO Manager to be used by over 1,400 organizations of all sizes in 85 countries.

Contact us for a personalized exchange.