Ethics of debt collection
The perception by the public of a function or a poorly known activity often comes down to a cartoon from a few extreme practices used by a minority of players. Many examples illustrate this...
Ethics of debt collection
The perception by the public of a function or a poorly known activity often comes down to a cartoon from a few extreme practices used by a minority of players. Many examples illustrate this...
New features on MY DSO MANAGER
Here are the new features recently added to MY DSO MANAGER: New companies scoring tool: Credit notation It is based on 12 financial, legal and behavioral criteria. It is customizable and...
Tutorial on recovery scenarios
New tutorial on recovery scenarios which are essential tools to optimize the management of the working capital and cash flows of its company. These structured processes also have a strong impact...
MY DSO MANAGER is online !
MY DSO MANAGER is launched ! You can access to the application now and begin your 15-day free trial. Discover: the presentation video and the operating mode the demo and online...
The launch of MY DSO MANAGER approaches!
MY DSO MANAGER will be online by end of June! Key principles Simple. The software is easy to access and to use. You can make your first dunning actions...
Simplification and improvement of the credit notation scoring tool
The relevance of a business scoring method depends on three essential criteria: Simplicity and understandability of the tool by the user. Completeness of criteria that cover financial...
Tutorial and online tool for calculating the Z score
New tutorial on Edward Altman Z score, American inventor in 1968 of the business scoring tool which establish a probability of default within two years. The Z score is still widely used after many...
New tutorial on aging balance
Tutorial on the aging balance The aging balance is an indispensable tool for organizing debt collection According to its presentation, it gives several views of customer balances (not due yet,...
New tool : the credit risk profile sheet
This new tool is a simple sheet including all the data required to perform a strong credit analysis and to be able to share easily this credit case with all people involved in the credit risk...
Zoom on the cash and risks curves
The tool cash and risks curves simulates dynamically the credit risk and manufacturing risk based on monthly costs and payment term applied to invoices. It gives on a monthly basis the actual...
What role for the CFO in credit management?
Revenue growth, optimization of the working capital requirement (WCR) and cash, increase of the profitability and of earnings are all issues related to the management of the accounts receivable...
What payment methods for export business?
International trade is very specific and differs significantly from domestic trade. Realities are multiple depending on the sector of activity, the country of the buyer and the type of business...